Physical Activity

Physical Activity

The physical evaluation is basic tool in the process of resisted training (musculao), the premise of this boarding is the beginning of the biological individuality, which says that each individual is only in its characteristics, therefore, its ideal training will be different of that one of any another person. Being thus, so that the physical educator can know educating and elaborate optimum possible program of trainings, it is necessary to make it by means of an initial evaluation, after that, other evaluations will be carried through so that it is possible to analyze and to demonstrate the progress of the same. To more clearly become the agreement of this process we will see to follow the different types of evaluation and which the especificidade of each one of them. Disgnostic evaluation: It is the first evaluation to be carried through, it supplies the necessary information so that the trainer can initiate the delineation of the program of one training determined pupil. From the initial diagnosis, the pupil it must be classified inside of the relative parameters what it are evaluated, for example, will be that the levels of flexibility or force are satisfactory? How it is the cardiorrespiratria aptitude? From these parameters and classifications, the objective Reals of the training program will be established which, and the lapsing work will be come back to cure these dficits.

Periodic evaluation: It determines the progress, it demonstrates if during definitive periods of training the improvements continue to appear or if the program is arriving what the professionals of the Physical Education call training plateau, that consists of a stabilization of the profits, in case that this will be detected, will be reformulated so that can optimize the results. Formative evaluation: It is carried through to the end of one determined period of training, for example, before that one travel for beach in the summer, time this where the individual will be without training, this type of evaluation as well as periodic it will go to demonstrate to the profits and the gotten beneficial effect through the trainings, if the expectations proposals of the work had been at the beginning reached, and also it will serve of comparative parameter to a new disgnostic evaluation when the same to come back its routine of treinos. Therefore as we saw above, so that is carried through a individualizado and adjusted work, focando the good development of the human being, reaching objective preset if it makes completely necessary to carry through a process of evaluations, and becomes impossible to elaborate a program of training without before evaluating in adequate way and still to wait good resulted to the end of this work..

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