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Month: March 2015

Tiergarten Association

Tiergarten Association

What you can not sell gives us. Due to the high demand and the large positive acceptance within the social institutions, the cultural operators and the population, Berlin on April 16, 2010 at 12:00 noon in the district Tiergarten Association by the cultural Lodge is invited to the press conference. “Give what you can not sell us.” Cultural events of all types free of charge for people with low incomes. The cultural lodge Berlin free? allows people with low incomes free visiting of cultural events. Goal is that GA? ste, often isolated living by long unemployment and low income, fu? r a short time forget their troubles ko? can and again a normal part of society be ko? tonnes. The principle: what you don’t sell ko gives us? nnt, social engagement represents for the Berlin culture enterprises with sense and mind.

At the cultural operators are at the same time entrepreneurial thinking (sales, marketing, and public relations) and the possibility in the social / society addressed to engage. For whom is the cultural lodge Berlin: full-time working people/families, their purchases of not living ko? tonnes, retirees with basic security, people who receive unemployment benefits / Hartz IV, families and single Mu? leaves with mini-jobs, as well as people who are supported by LOAF and soul. Social facilities that make with: Godfather model management through work the Diakonie, the Berlin Board e.V., district Zoo Association, Moab advice e.V., the brush e.V. and many more. Cultural operators participating: Admiral Palace, thistle, arena, Wu? hlma? use, KOMO? to the Ku? damm, Kammermusiksaal of the Philharmonie, Galli theater, BU? hnenRausch, homeland Neuko? lln, Literaturhaus Berlin, temporary art Hall, nonsense Comedey Club and many more. Press contact: Tanja fabric Samuel Enckestr. 4a, 10969Berlin Phone:+49(0)30-65704522

SharePoint Foundation

SharePoint Foundation

The ShareConf 2010 SharePoint Conference (incl. power workshops) from 22 to 24 June 2010 in Munich compact information about Exchange 2010, Microsoft SharePoint 2010 and Office 2010 in excellent workshops, with excellent speakers and experience excellent networking with participants, speakers, sponsors and exhibitors. 36 lectures 5 power workshops 3 top keynotes a lift from our power workshops on the workshop day (22 June 2010). Full day workshop with Michael Sampson SharePoint collaboration and governance Masterclass half day workshop 1 with Michael Greth (MVP) SharePoint Designer 2010 half day workshop 2 with Wojciech Micka (book author of SharePoint 2010 for administrators – the Guide”) SharePoint 2010 infrastructure power Workshop half day workshop 3 with Sven Maier Workflows with Nintex workflow 2010 half day workshop 4 with Bernd Pehlke Development of SharePoint Foundation enterprise applications Their own dashboards and reports for SharePoint Foundation to develop the ShareConf (workshop day) and 23-24 June 2010 will for the first time on June 22, 2010 (Conference day) in Munich instead. The SharePoint Conference is organised by the HLMC events GmbH in close cooperation with the iX from Heise magazine publishing. The Conference deals with the Microsoft technologies, SharePoint 2010, Exchange 2010 and Office 2010, with which Microsoft ushers in a new era in information technology.

Core theme is the SharePoint integration and the interplay of Office 2010, SharePoint 2010, Exchange 2010 Conference. Well-known companies will present your services and products be guidance-defining exhibition participants. The following companies are the ShareConf 2010 in Munich sponsoring: Microsoft, magic software enterprises, MT onion.NET DATALOG Software AG, AvePoint and LINTRA Solutions GmbH. save up to 140.00 when a registration until May 14, 2010. More information and a quote on already accepted presentations can be found on the Conference Web site at HLMC events GmbH David Bottger junior project manager Kirchplatz 6 82041 Oberhaching phone: + 49 89 613 04 484 fax: + 49 89 613 04 486 E-Mail: Internet: about HLMC events GmbH HLMC is specialized for seven years on the Organization of events in the field of software engineering.

European Conference

European Conference

To do this, it cooperates closely with the leading manufacturers of software for requirements management and configuration and version management. Nevertheless, the HOOD Group is independent from software manufacturers and offers a neutral advice. The HOOD Group has made as organizer of the largest European Conference to request management, the REConf (, a name. The HOOD Group offices are located in England and Germany. HOOD is employed by a growing number of major companies from different sectors (E.g. automotive, aviation and aerospace, medical technology and software development). Companies such as Audi, BMW, Drager, EADS, Alcatel, Hella, Siemens and Volkswagen to trust the competence of HOOD Group. iX since the founding in 1988 has iX as a required reading of professional IT user established.

The editors carefully researched all important topics of the Internet with regard to the successful use of computers in the company intranet, networks, operating systems and client-server computing and underpins it with elaborate manufacturer-independent tests. On the cross-editorial website heise online involved is also the iX-editorial on the current reporting on IT topics. Under you will find different offers such as blogs on topics from software development, current news, a monthly survey and a provider information service for companies that meet the professional character of the magazine. The contents of iX are available at eMedia from year 1988 on CD-ROM. Since 2003, iX regularly organises conferences around the theme of better software”and offers various workshops on topics in the field of software engineering with international renowned speakers. It also published iX under the label of iX study”regular studies and tool analysis. HLMC events GmbH HLMC GmbH focuses on the current trends in software engineering and thus ensures the success of the event. The services of HLMC includes the search and selection of keynotes, user – and method lectures, the acquisition of sponsors and Exhibitors as well as the entire organisational and administrative processing of designated events. In addition, HLMC advises various companies in the implementation of events of any kind. By the clear and precise focusing on the field of software engineering HLMC here has established an excellent and extensive network, from which the clients benefit from HLMC. This extensive network represents considers also the basis for the Heise magazine publishing house iX studies in the context of software engineering.