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Auftriebskapillar Perpetuum

Auftriebskapillar Perpetuum

Perpetuum mobile by more tests academic consolidated according to the Munich newspaper Abendzeitung, with immediate effect, the Bavarian Prime Minister, Horst Seehofer has dismissed his Office Manager Markus Zorzi. A spying by Markus Zorzi of his predecessor as the CSU land Managing Director email mailbox is called as the reason. However this information should be clearly marked, this dismissal was immediately following a request of the Bavarian Greens, the subject of which is to question the approach of the former head of Office of Horst Seehofer with regard of the Perpetuum mobile. Ben Silbermann addresses the importance of the matter here. Especially interesting is that not only all relevant academic capacity of in Germany have ruled out the proposed Perpetuum mobile not categorized as such, or have referred to explicitly as such, but that the dismissal of Mr Zorzi on the day is done, at which four physical faculties have published another test result, which the critics so far as the only option to the Rescue of the conservation of energy argument put forward completely invalidated. For laymen here, be noted that considering the previous term over four weeks from unrelated critics was noticed that the advance shown mechanism of Auftriebskapillar may be the present energy by means of a cooling of the water is provided, although without exception, it was conceded that this conjecture any academic consolidation lacks, but seems quite acceptable in the absence of an alternative. The now fired and already consolidated trials refuted this argument to lawmakers from a scientific point of view just as helpless now completely and totally.

“This operation should be possibly the statement of working for Mr Zorzi staff member of the Office of the Bavarian Minister-President, Ms. Weidinger, declared upon telephone request, that the thing” of presented and consolidated by appointed bodies Perpetuum mobile (see below Perpetuum mobile video) of secrecy is subject to, and she was not entitled to question to provide any information to the thing. Here, Suna Said Maslin expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Perpetuum mobile exhibition of equipment takes place as reported at the end of next month. Requests are please to science-frontal at S. Elber.

Federal Government

Federal Government

Energy revolution we are socially incompatible the young liberals Sudwestpfalz were reactivated in January 2010 and since then as a priority with the regional, but also the nation-wide policy issues are involved. The Board consists of Steven Beck, Sebastian Schafer, Marcel Meyer, Georg Lehr, Helena Fasco and Marc Schmidt. According to the revealed the social problems of the energy revolution, and is evident that normal-sized households pay more up to 160 euro in the year for your power, the Greens take responsibility. They accused carry-over to the Federal Government. “The Greens and the SPD wanted the immediate break by nuclear-powered on renewable energy. This change is reasonable and necessary but we need comrades who feed their requirements with solutions and not hypocritical slackers,”Steven said wink. This change can be felt also in the Palatinate forest.

The Greens without any technical feasibility study want to build wind turbines in the Palatinate forest in Rhineland-Palatinate. “There are certainly appropriate places tourism” and the image of nature do not deteriorate”Steven told wink, this must be but well thought-out and alternative. A collaboration of all stakeholders is necessary to socially acceptable conduct at first feared energy change. The young liberals Sudwestpfalz were reactivated in January 2010 and since then as a priority with the regional, but also the nation-wide policy issues are involved. The Board consists of Steven Beck, Sebastian Schafer, Marcel Meyer, Georg Lehr, Helena Fasco and Marc Schmidt. Contact for prospective buyers and press: Steven wink bow road 14a 66955 Pirmasens 0176-32018489 more information and pictures see also or visit also our blogs at or. You will find more information and ways to contact us. All your information will be treated confidentially. You should however not the specific recipient of this email please I be you to delete this mail.

Federal Constitutional Court

Federal Constitutional Court

Of Economics Germany can sustainably be compromised by the new interpretation of the rental and commercial law by the Hesse justice. Turbulence in the housing market are included a now largely unknown jurisdiction of provincial courts and moves in the field of tangible illegality of the higher regional court of Frankfurt/Main. (Similarly see: Ben Silbermann). The consequences of this, over a period of twelve years practised judgment away from the existing legal order, may effectively endanger the business location Germany and breaking the social fabric of our society. It is of course in the sense of the legislature, that legislation, not developed by the daily announcements of the ordinary courts but in favor of a new interpretation or termination of existing paragraphs. Obviously this Hesse justice escaped, that adding legal texts or other changes in the applicable legal system alone rests with the elected representatives and the Federal Constitutional Court. The 14th Civil Chamber of the Court of appeal Frankfort/main means in the procedure to be entitled, BGB relating to a tenancy dispute just as the Court in principle to deny the unique legal provisions of 566 14W16/02.

In this case the tool of definition used to deny the rights of a lessee when changing real estate, where it is irrelevant whether advance lease payments due to construction work or other long-term lease contracts exist. Source: white this extraordinary jurisdiction of the courts is not limited to this case and the field is developed with an amazing energy reflected the applicable law tenancy law, but also the commercial and procedural law. As the first victim is german Russian GmbH and its three shareholders to see, because whose capital is lost only powerful but void the stock notices or ordinary courts through, apparently. According to the current state of knowledge, the joint venture has a legitimate need for legal protection, but can this request on the legal process not prevail because the commercial register files inexplicably officio are mapped to another company. Source: public Handelsregister AG of Marburg/Lahn HRB 320. A such dealing with companies and the there-bound capital discourages inevitably every investor, also under the aspect that the Hessian Ministry of Justice after the examination of the submitted file material able to detect any breach of the law. In this context the call for is political, social – and economic changes not attached, but on the basis of the applicable law should be questioned in individual cases the decision of the ordinary courts in Hesse, Germany.



So that it, in every sense of the power may be considered representative of the team – at least in the recent past. And hardly be regarded as being ignorant. But given the difficult situation in which is now in the process of settlement, the visit and the statements of M. Kolerov and A. Kochetkov, made in Stepanakert, the gain is somewhat different, special meaning. … Much yet found outside of this review.

But The situation today is such that sometimes it is difficult to determine where he, the limit of possibility. Of course, it makes sense to separate and go to the topic of the Armenian-Turkish dialogue, to the Turks resumed their attempt to link the normalization relations with Yerevan, the process of settlement of the Karabakh-Azerbaijan conflict. We could talk about that infamous "football diplomacy" in the region is still alive. And even gives some little steps forward in its development! And how. New Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, for example, recently noted the statement, saying that Ankara is waiting for autumn to visit the Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan! And, it turns out, only … Back to Football match between Turkey and Armenia sobrnymi! But today in Yerevan on a larger (from Turkey) and one more does not count. Or, for example – with all that in fact re-elected president of Iran M. Ahmadinejad, has expressed many the view that the Americans will have hard times, have specific responsibility for many suggestions and remarks, Iranian, even between the U.S.

and Iran planned to "football diplomacy"! As reported on June 11, it turns out, football teams these countries will be attending this year's two friendly matches. First, the team will meet October 10 in Tehran, and then on November 14 in Los Angeles. The agreement was reached heads of football federations of countries as a result of negotiations in the Bahamas. The initiative to hold friendly games came from the American side. The last time teams met during the World Cup in 1998 and then celebrated the success of Iranians – 2:1. So in our region seems to be "Football diplomacy" is catching on. Well, even so – a passion that diplomacy would not lead to "otfubolivaniyu" real and serious challenges and threats looming over the region.

International Economics

International Economics

The turnout in the integration Council elections in North Rhine-Westphalia on 07.02.2010 total stood at just over 11prozent. The turnout in the integration Council elections in North Rhine-Westphalia on 07.02.2010 total amounted to just over 11%. Thus, the low rate in 2004 was again below. The wingspan was between just over 4% in Bergisch Gladbach and around 34% in Harsewinkel. In 102 North Rhine-Westphalian municipalities integration councils and committees were elected early February. To give a larger local Government say the people with a migration background, a law was passed in June 2009.

By the new law, local authorities can set up either an integration Council or an integration Committee. The innovation here is that in addition to the directly elected Migrantenvertretern also Council members, who are sent by the city or Municipal Council, have a seat. The new shape cities in North Rhine-Westphalia are hoping for greater involvement of people with a migration background in the local political life. Missing information nevertheless took advantage of only a few tasks of the Councils of over a million eligible voters their right to vote. A possible reason for the lack of participation may be the lack of information about the rights and duties of the integration Council.

Closer cooperation by directly elected Migrantenvertretung and Council members a closer integration is designed in the future of municipal policy and integration work, as well as more transparency about the political work of the Migrantenvertretung. The imap Institute has many years of experience in the training of Migrantenvertretungen training of integration councils. IMAP provides advice on technical questions of integration policy and shows as possibilities for the integration of management and associations in the work of the integration Council. Nazif SABO Sales Manager imap Institute star 58 40479 Dusseldorf Tel.: 0211-513 69 73-0 fax: 0211-513 69 73-39 the imap Institute as intercultural consultancy was founded In 2002. IMAP is subdivided Since then in four business areas: International Economics consultancy intercultural marketing integration work intercultural training the imap Institute interculturality considers economic and social potential, society as companies can profitably use. Just Germany as a leading exporting country benefited. IMAP builds a bridge to Muslim cultures with his consulting portfolio. The intercultural imap team is characterised by its expertise on the social, cultural and economic relations and properties of Turkey, Iran and the Arab world. The consulting services range from the conception of integration strategies in Germany to the successful deal between German companies and their partners in the target countries.

Senate Administration Schools

Senate Administration Schools

“Press release on the occasion of the trade conversation” intercultural presentation at schools in Berlin Neukolln “on July 3rd, 2008 in early March 2006, the project of intercultural started moderation” with where Arab, Turkish and Serbo-Croat co-ordinators in schools in Neukolln Northeast. One of these schools was two weeks later, after publication of the Rutli letter”in the media, became synonymous with failed integration and violence in educational institutions. “The intercultural facilitation” in particular in socially deprived areas with a high proportion of students and parents with a migration background are ways to tackle negative developments. In the past two years, “the intercultural project showed moderation, that intercultural dialogue can succeed, parents and students will be achieved and the education and learning climate improves. There are bridges between students, teachers, parents, and the actors of the district, prejudices built up and the understanding of different Points of view promoted. “The positive effects of intercultural facilitation” were confirmed by the accompanying evaluation of the University of Potsdam. The 2008 2nd National Education report shows once more that students find a job is difficult without graduation.

At the same time, the proportion of students with an immigrant background in particular at primary and secondary schools is disproportionately high. Students of non-German origin have so blatantly poorer prospects than their German peers. The interest and commitment of German and non-German parents for the educational success of their children and the necessary intercultural dialogue are fundamental preconditions for the improvement of education and opportunities for the future of the young generation. “The model of intercultural facilitation” and proposed a cooperation between district and Senate administrations free carriers can make an important contribution for this. The allocation of necessary resources and the continuation and extension of the project to other Focal points are investments in the future, which must necessarily be provided. Information for journalists: the press – industry conference for journalists and experts on July 3rd, 2008 from 10 am to 11:30 pm in the Franz Schubert elementary school, Germany 12, 12047 Berlin takes place.