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Month: June 2013

Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering

Carlos Mora Vanegas is grateful for some EGAII participants who have already obtained their degrees comments posted about their experience, learning achieved in its passage by that institution, that she generated for your professional growth. Since then, despite the absence of both parties involved, especially of the now defunct Eng. Mario Gonzalez, not can I ignore the satisfaction that our work which we started with great efforts, is a fact, as some graduates demonstrate it as the Web page of the institution pointed out that to date, it has an average population of 700 students in your unit of Monterrey and the foreign extensions located in the cities of; Saltillo, Reynosa, Matamoros and Tampico has a population of approximately 250 students. Corresponding to these areas master’s studies are offered in the form tetramestral: January/April, may/August and September-December. The MBA has four specialties; Resources human, finance, management General and international trade and the master’s degree in Industrial Engineering with the specialty of productivity. Currently the EGAII is distinguished by its high recognition in the industry and enjoys a great leadership, thanks to the preference of professionals who want to Excel in the field of business as well as strengthen their administrative and industrial knowledge, this is confirmed by the high demand for admission to the EGAII which is approximately 100 students per period and an expository through examination of degree of 120 master’s degrees per yearto date nearly 1600 people, who are located in important posts in the different companies in Mexico have obtained his master’s degree. We are confident that the population of participants integrate a good range of professionals from various educational institutions, disciplines related, and above all, with the endorsement of the experience of professional practice in companies in the regions where the school provides its services. In the development of the program in its initial phase, we had well-defined goals, according to the weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities demonstrating the scenario where the School Act; as regards competition, Tec de Monterrey through EGADE case its graduate school in management, aspects which I do not doubt its directors at present considered and they should still do so.



Pests such as insects can become very irritating in the home and garden. Some people opt to apply pesticides, chemicals that kill the unwanted visitors, but pesticides may have a negative impact on the health of plants, humans, other animals and the environment. As a result, some consumers choose to use natural pesticides derived from extracts of some plant species. Many of these natural pesticides are as effective as their chemical equivalents, and the truth is that they are much less toxic. Pesticides not pejudiciales are an important part of the organic and natural gardening. Much caution around pets and children when implementing natural pesticides should be.

While they are less toxic, many natural pesticides should not be, preferably, consumed by humans and domestic animals. It is also important to apply natural pesticides during a period of low activity of bees, as bees are very beneficial for the upkeep of the garden. The best time to apply natural pesticides is in the night, giving the plant around 12 hours to absorb the pesticide of protection, all this before out bees to do their job. The majority of natural pesticides are derived from plants. Three of the most toxic plants are pyrethrins, derived from chrysanthemums; the bromegrass, and nicotine.On the other hand of the different types of poppy strong narcotics can also occur. These derivatives can be directly applied to certain plants, such as flowers of Astromelia or others, and thus cause the death of pesky insects in a short period of time.

However, they are highly toxic to animals and humans, why the containers where these substances are deposited should be kept in a high and very well secured area. They should thoroughly wash your hands after using these natural pesticides. There are also less toxic but still effective plants to produce pesticides and derivatives. These include some oxalic acid tea, which is creates from the leaves of rhubarb and raspberries, garlic spray, mulberry tea made with the leaves of tomatoes and potatoes and neem oil. All of these substances may be applied directly to plants, and act in a different way to interrupt cycles of life of garden pests. You must be careful with the neem oil, which smells very strong. Another option are the oils of citrus fruits, which are used to deter pests. Some natural pesticides are derived from mineral ingredients. The most common example is diatomaceous earth, which are actually pulverized fossils of sea creatures called diatoms. Diatomaceous earth passes through the exoskeletons of pests, and ultimately in your body. Outdoors, it can be applied freely by the garden, provided that they do not have pets or children, and it can also be used indoors to control fleas and pests in the home, provided that the area is clean and purified, since it may irritate the lungs. It is recommended that you use protection for the nose and mouth while applying diatomaceous earth.