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Month: April 2015

Integrated Internet

Integrated Internet

Today, the term comprehensive Internet marketing has become widely known. A growing number of companies realize new business opportunities in the Internet environment, which can be as concise, fast-growing market, and means of influence on their clients who had enough of advertising noise. So, now the Internet is a strategically important complement to traditional marketing efforts. Internet represents a huge gathering of information. How companies solve problems: getting lost, stand out from the crowd? Obviously, any promotion of the site is aimed at attracting the largest possible audience.

Search engine promotion can solve this problem by reducing the time search for a specific web site users. However, to increase the flow of visitors – not the ultimate goal of an integrated online promotion. Main – convertibility of these visitors into customers. Integrated Internet Marketing solves the problem: a study of the target audience and the competitive environment; search engine optimization, contextual advertising, marketing optimization site; integrated campaign to promote online business, work with communities and thematic content projects. The result – an increase in targeted traffic, increase in new customers, forming a positive image companies promoting their own websites, mortgage finance company's development of small and medium-sized businesses, opening new opportunities for sales of goods and services. Thus, a comprehensive Internet marketing is an optimal solution which links together a set of activities complement one another and work together for the result. In contrast to the highly directional events, such integration is a powerful support for business "on all fronts." Keep in mind that the basic principle of an integrated Internet marketing is that based on a thorough study of competition and consumers' behavior, is formed individual plan (strategy) to promote the resource, which includes how to work directly with the site itself (udobopolzovanie, informative) and positioning it in the Internet environment. And the result Integrated Internet marketing is becoming – an efficient resource that results in you new customers.

Defense Ministry

Defense Ministry

"Many employers are interested in foreign employees, are planning to save on payment for work. At best, offering very low wages, at worst – without paying anything – says team leader recruiting personnel center "UNITY" Vera Anistsyna. – Here the economic benefits fabulously. " Indeed, to recruit Chinese Tajiks or economically feasible. They are unpretentious, willing to live almost not in cardboard boxes a la Pumpkin's house, and their team leader will take a smart salary of 5 million rubles.

But this strategy works effectively only as long as foreigners are behaving manageable. Migrant workers can and show character. Earlier conflicts between the owners and the foreign labor force occurred sporadically. In addition, they resolved, usually without attracting public attention. In a crisis situation began to change. Representatives of the Russian migration of labor exchanges give us examples of such a case, while unprecedented. Twenty workers from Uzbekistan wrote a collective statement by the prosecutor's office in Ryazan on construction management number 427 of the Defense Ministry, which is timely not pay their salaries – delayed for six weeks. The prosecutor's review found that immigration legislation strictly followed: all the foreigners were registered as expected, were on migration registration had permission to work with them have been concluded fixed-term contracts.

But the Labor Code of the Russian company has neglected. After the intervention of the prosecutor's office put out the debt on wages, and the construction Management has been fined 50 thousand rubles. It is clear that if such cases will acquire a mass character, the benefit of foreign guest workers will begin to decline.

Competition Rap

Competition Rap

One of the best known and most colorful of the rap is rap competition, where two rappers compete to see who best RAPs and who improvises the best rhymes. These Spanish rap battles have become popular since the release of films such as 8 miles. Currently there are competitions of rap in several countries promoted by major companies like Red Bull with its battle of cocks or Monster Energy seen in rap a great medium for advertising. In addition, it is also now possible to participate in a competition of rap on the Internet at In rap competitions, he improvises in session jams and at concerts as an integral part of the show, but also on the street or gathering in the homes of friends for the enjoyment of all the rappers and displays of talent to win the respect of fellow crew and rivals, or just fun. There are a number of important factors that are particularly valued when competing: wit wit consists in having good ideas, originality. In case of a battle, to make a good attacking the opponent defects (what in the jargon are known as nailing rhymes) or correctly answer to the attacks of the rival that had occurred, as well as rhyme about events that you have is currently demonstrating real improvisation. Flow flow in rap can be defined in many ways, the literal translation is fluidity.

Usually refers to the ability to improvise adapt correctly to the base (the melody on which improvises), without binding and without excessive pauses (or use Deadbolts). Its importance is variable and very subjective since each MC valued differently: some say that to improvise should be first and foremost wit and highly value what is being said, others say that improvisation is a form of rapping and therefore must first and foremost adhere to the base. Attitude attitude is defined as the ease, it is especially important in battles. An MC should improvise with strength, determination, self-confidence and security to cause the greatest impact and display (and prove) his verbal superiority (which ultimately is what it is in) a battle, be more Rooster). Therefore a MC with a great wit, much flow and attitude into the rap of competition can give to know and make a name in rap competing in these battles.

Logo Development

Logo Development

It must be recognized that this is more than enough to entrust the development of the logo, as well, and development of corporate identity professional developers. Try to find out what the logo design, corporate identity development and what is in the process. The most commonly used in designing a logo approach implies that the work on the logo starts with choosing the basis of the so-called ideas form closest to the concept of the company. It is possible that this form would be, for example, a combination of forms, or some atypical point of view. Probably the selected form will cause multiple associations, and possibly vice versa, will be one hundred percent clear. Another, no less popular, the approach requires that development starts with the logo creation of his text, when the designer, varying fonts, sizes, shapes, forms a most interesting variant of presenting the company with the form of text. But always keep in mind that the text of the logo combined with graphic elements, or not, in any case must be legible even at small font sizes.

Independently of the approach, once found a form developed by the logo you want determine its color. Accepted believe that when designing a logo, as, incidentally, is the development of corporate identity, than a trivial color, the better. Ideally, a logo should be designed monotsvetnym, or shades of color. After him, in any case, including the need to be used exactly in this form, for example, on photocopies, checks, faxes. And the color of one that will reinforce, support form the logo, that is, for example, depicting three-dimensional cube is necessary to choose such possible color shades for each of its faces, which would be as close to reality.

At the same time, at least in conceptual design and logo contrast, applied, for example, to the size, texture, color and fonts. Developing a logo or corporate identity, encourages the parties to unnecessary complexity and confusion, the logo should be as generic and simple. Again, that even at small sizes the logo all its parts must be easily distinguishable. After all, the logo on business cards placed too should benefit, to perform any of their functions, as mentioned earlier. Final, the last step in the development of the logo is to 'test' – to assess how the perceived logo in different sizes, fonts, everything is readable, if all its graphic detail retain meaning, not Does it differ in printed form and a version for the network. It is indisputable that briefly described above work on the development of corporate identity and, in particular, the logo, though perhaps its apparent simplicity, can be performed exclusively by professionals. Only very qualified specialist can observe all the 'formalities' in designing a logo and create for you, your business is really interesting, high-quality logo that will have a visual strength and harmony, which will be appreciated, not only specialists but also your customers, including and potential.

Housing Options

Housing Options

You have to go to another city for a short period of time, for example, on a business trip. You start to look for housing options: Stand by relatives, friends, hotel, apartment for rent … If you're staying at the latter case, when renting apartments in Krasnoyarsk you need to consider a few things that protect you from unpleasant surprises. First of all, start to pick up an apartment for rent in advance. This save you from running around on the first day of arrival, when you're tired and can miss some details. Will be much better if on their arrival in the city you will, where settle once and you will not have to run around town with their bags. Once you resolve issues related to renting an apartment in advance, then decide how you want to rent an apartment: the grandmothers of the contract verbally or through a qualified agency, which is professionally engaged in the rental of apartments in Krasnoyarsk. Risk of being cheated, get an apartment with bad conditions, or complete lack of security is, of course, when renting an apartment through a private person.

With the company 'Arbat', which examines the pre- Apartments, checks the documents and monitors the payment, your risk is greatly reduced. When choosing accommodation in Krasnoyarsk, guided by its principles and desires. Carefully inspect the apartment, Take a closer look to its master. Pay attention to the repair of the apartment, whether it has a balcony, if you like the apartment or whether it is for you something repulsive.