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Month: December 2014

Do You Like The Pottery ?

Do You Like The Pottery ?

Do you like ceramics? Pottery small form this beautiful art that combines the ability to translate ideas into matreiale incredible shape, and the ability to implement the extraordinary artistic designs mural art is such rabot.Takim very talented people, and simultaneously are artists and sculptors, and architects and designers. Creation of such people often exclusive. They are made to order and are very expensive. Indeed, in every small little thing can be a ceramic invested much time and soul of the creator. And if you are a real aesthetic – in your house probably contains at least one extraordinarily beautiful ceramic thing. Perhaps it will be a beautiful vase, standing on the floor near the fireplace, or a melodious bell hanging on the door of your bedroom. And maybe – it will be ceramic fruit lying in karzinke your dining room table, so schedule skillfully that no one will distinguish them from natural ones.

And if you have little time to work out creative, you can follow any responses themselves to try to make something beautiful for the soul. You can dial the appropriate clay near a clay quarry, prepare it and to fashion some sort of a simple figure. Then put it to dry in the sun, and when dry – paint the ordinary paints. I assure you, if you try at least once to do so, and would bring the matter to an end, then you are ready to pay for such products twice as expensive as the masters of the normal value. And if you still like all art pottery, and really want to learn how to make small-scale forms, it can be enroll in a professional artist – a class where you will be given all raskazhut and necessary materials. And then – you need only the patience and desire to create!

University College

University College

His initial studies were in mathematics, philosophy and psychology at Whitgift School and the University of London (University College). World War II cut short his studies to be mobilized to join the British army, in which he became commander of company in the Gurkhas and finally a military psychologist with the rank of captain. It is in this location where it begins to implement its interdisciplinary approach to recruitment processes and research on the relationship between psychopathology and illiteracy, and is assigned to the area of human factors in Operations Research (OR) in the Office War. Once reintegrated into civilian life working for twelve years for the United Steel, where he created and led the first group (civil) Operations Research, while occupying the office of Controller of Production. He was responsible which was first implementation in Europe of linear programming (1950). The IO group eventually grew to more than 70 professionals engaged in implementing a multidisciplinary approach to solving problems, the then largest civilian world IO.

Stafford Beer was also a consultant to several ministers in Ottawa (Canada), New Delhi (India) and Mexico’s presidential office, Uruguay and Venezuela (directly with the president in the latter two cases). The period from 1990 to the present day is marked by an activity principally engaged in the research and development that led to the invention of the technique known as Team Syner-integrity. It is a complement to the Viable Systems Model that allows for increased creativity and communication between members of steering groups in organizations.

Senate Administration Schools

Senate Administration Schools

“Press release on the occasion of the trade conversation” intercultural presentation at schools in Berlin Neukolln “on July 3rd, 2008 in early March 2006, the project of intercultural started moderation” with where Arab, Turkish and Serbo-Croat co-ordinators in schools in Neukolln Northeast. One of these schools was two weeks later, after publication of the Rutli letter”in the media, became synonymous with failed integration and violence in educational institutions. “The intercultural facilitation” in particular in socially deprived areas with a high proportion of students and parents with a migration background are ways to tackle negative developments. In the past two years, “the intercultural project showed moderation, that intercultural dialogue can succeed, parents and students will be achieved and the education and learning climate improves. There are bridges between students, teachers, parents, and the actors of the district, prejudices built up and the understanding of different Points of view promoted. “The positive effects of intercultural facilitation” were confirmed by the accompanying evaluation of the University of Potsdam. The 2008 2nd National Education report shows once more that students find a job is difficult without graduation.

At the same time, the proportion of students with an immigrant background in particular at primary and secondary schools is disproportionately high. Students of non-German origin have so blatantly poorer prospects than their German peers. The interest and commitment of German and non-German parents for the educational success of their children and the necessary intercultural dialogue are fundamental preconditions for the improvement of education and opportunities for the future of the young generation. “The model of intercultural facilitation” and proposed a cooperation between district and Senate administrations free carriers can make an important contribution for this. The allocation of necessary resources and the continuation and extension of the project to other Focal points are investments in the future, which must necessarily be provided. Information for journalists: the press – industry conference for journalists and experts on July 3rd, 2008 from 10 am to 11:30 pm in the Franz Schubert elementary school, Germany 12, 12047 Berlin takes place.

Fitch Internet

Fitch Internet

We promise to continue to write articles about our promotions we have not had a thought that would have to write in such a context. Placing a couple of days ago online article called 25 hours. Within a day, we were pleasantly surprised by how people began to show interest, we began to receive many letters with comments on the draft, and some even wanted to join our team. But there were at first and uncomfortable moments – one of them is add Asian giant our company to the list of cheaters, and in fact even then, when we do not yet started funktsionrovat. (,) do not understand why we were awarded this title, we decided to figure it out. The answer was to surprisingly simple: they saw us in the competition, even without delving into the essence of the article which clearly states that we need to have been developed and giants such as,,, etc. Well, after getting the list of scams of interest to our the project just grew .. We thank, and you'll keep up to date …

To be continued … What we offer is the freedom in all the activities, a world without borders, where every user is able to influence the cause of the events and things, getting advantage of complete freedom and limitless possibilities of the resource. Just imagine your Facebook or Twitter with the ability to sell or buy products to anyone, anywhere with a single mouse click. This is that TebeCom.compredostavit you to the new Fitch Internet – Click & Get. We joined with you to Join the future!

Russia Airship

Russia Airship

At the expense of aerostatic lift gas filling the shell to lift and move cargo airship units require much less power than other aircraft. Accordingly, it needs much less fuel. Especially with the possibility of implementing projects on the placement of solar panels on top of the shell. Meanwhile, aviation fuel all going up and up in price. At the same airship engines can use a cheaper fuels, including gas. Already it is estimated that freight airships, even for the European territory of Russia is very cheap. Transportation of the airship is cheaper than transport by helicopter in 20 – 25 times by air to 8 – 10 times by car a good road in 2 – 3 times.

And on the roads at all airship out of competition. The effectiveness of an airship depends on its size. One cubic meter of helium at normal atmospheric pressure provides a lift one kilogram load. So, to lift 10 tons of payload, subject to its own weight airship takes to fill a shell around 20 thousand cubic meters of helium. So profitable cargo airship, by definition, must be large airship. This requirement is based on the fact that small amount of gas airships have characteristics of low weight payload. Only aircraft with a capacity of not less than 60 thousand cubic meters can lift the weight of 12-15 tons. That is, the weight of a cargo container. For a better understanding of this fact can be compared to technical data of the largest airships of the twentieth century.

Method Composer Amendment

Method Composer Amendment

Support for Web-portal also includes updating of material made to it. Any changes to governing documents, manuals, handbooks should be immediately reported to the stakeholders. Also do not forget about the publication of new materials that can assist in the work of both new and experienced employees. This article may be shared or observations and the work of staff organization, upgrade to use third-party tools, changes in work organization with its own product, etc. Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 6.

Editor processes Method Composer Amendment process is accompanied by mandatory fixation of these changes in the existing documentation on the process. And, of course, all changes must be made in official documents and on the Web-portal. Search the same places in the documents and resources Web-site – it's tedious and lengthy work, which can lead to inaccuracies and differences in the same block of documentation and Web-pages. Method Composer provides a relatively simple and flexible process editor (Figure 6 08D0C9EA79F9BACE118C8200AA004BA90B02000000080000000E0000005F005200650066003200300032003700310030003900380032000000), which does not require much effort from the developer of the process in finding the necessary items to change. After sorting electronic documents and searching the pages you want to change – it is more time-consuming procedure than the transition points on the tree, which is divided into the standard templates. All changes Method Composer allows you to publish three different ways: in the form of HTML-pages in the form of a document MS Word; in book form Adobe Acrobat. This means that Method Composer provides a single repository for all materials and processes allows us to provide a repository of users in the required form. Any changes to this store can be simply projected by the operation of the publication as a Web-portal and on documenting the process.

Figure 7 shows an example of the problem description in MS Word. Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 7. Description of the problem in MS Word Conclusion There are a lot of effective operation of the company. Greater reliance on individual staff, staff turnover is clearly not add positive points. Description and documentation of the processes being implemented in the company, help solve these problems. Using Method Composer in documenting processes will allow to present the process in an understandable form for all employees, to create a simple adaptation of new future changes to process. Formed Web-portal will enable employees to focus on their role of responsibility in the tasks they should perform, freeing them at the same time the need to learn and iterate over a large number of documentation. In addition, Method Composer will create a library of best practices for organizations that are always available on-line.

Autoridad Nacional

Autoridad Nacional

A legacy in the form of tropical trees which grow steadily makes more sense than to deposit the money in the bank where at the moment, only deep interest accrues which barely cover inflation. An investment in teak or other tropical wood can very well complement real estate or equity portfolios, as the fundamental value drivers are different and so help to diversify the portfolio. Residence permit through a tropical wood investment supporting reforestation projects is part of the strategic plans of Governments in countries such as Costa Rica and Panama. Therefore, Investorenvisas for forest projects are to get some of the cheapest options to the right to a residence permit. For other countries where the minimum investment amounts are lower (E.g. USD 25,000 in Ecuador or $ 30,000 in Nicaragua, subject to any changes), can an investment in a tropical timber plantation offer a good way the right to a Residence permit to get without having to start the need for larger business in unfamiliar territory. The most common form of a tropical timber investment is teak wood, because there is an established market and teak wood prices are very attractive when compared to other tropical Woods.

Comparing the required minimum investment amounts, it is to get the residence permit obvious that an investment opportunity is a forest investor visa as a foreigner: Costa Rica: USD 100,000 investment in an approved afforestation project (otherwise minimal USD 150,000 Bankdeposit required) Panama: USD 80,000 for control of 5 hectares of afforestation area in a by the Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente (ANAM) approved reforestation project to get (otherwise minimal required a business to start investment USD 150,000) conclusion the combination of a residence permit with a Teak wood investment can be an attractive alternative offer in comparison to conventional Visaprogrammen. An investment in a tropical hardwood plantation such as teak helps to meet the global demand without that primary rain forest must be cut down. The investment can be very long-term financially attractive and can offer an ideal means to transfer assets to the next generation. Compared to other Visaprogrammen in Central America offers the visa for the forest investors one of the cheapest options to the residence permit to get.

Elvira Kirsch Presents Itself

Elvira Kirsch Presents Itself

Frankfurt fashion designer takes off it sounds like a fairy tale, and in fact, the rise of Elvira Kirsch seems stellar. What began with a small tailoring in Frankfurt’s University District has become Northrend in only five years a popular design studio in Frankfurt send. Customers from all over Germany, business women such as Fernsehmoderatorinnen, can make a new ELVIRA KIRSCH. From Kazakhstan to Frankfurt in the history of the 40 year old fashion designer is a very special, because Elvira Kirsch was born in Russia and grew up in Kazakhstan. As a young woman, she sewed their clothes themselves. That was the only way to be trendy and also my figure according to dressed for me”, the graceful Russian knows how to tell. But for economic reasons she studied Germanistics, to work as an interpreter, tour guide and later at Lufthansa in Russia.

Designing has never let go of it here, and as Elvira Kirsch ventured with early 30s after Germany. Their great hope, to find better opportunities for themselves in their dream job. This vision seems to meet. A dream is two years ago it was Elvira Kirsch is inducted into the elite circle of Frankfurt fashion; It is represented by its delicate and yet colourful clothes made of finest silk or Italian top fashion shows and fairs. The response was so positive that the step on the German Opera ball was almost already close on their beautiful designs. Here, the designer will be represented for the first time with their own label, ELVIRA KIRSCH. At the time the prominent ball visitors from social and economic facilities requests arrive in the Studio.

Lotus Notes TYPO

Lotus Notes TYPO

Real time search brings clear added value of Stuttgart, 26.01.2011 – now staff of the Lindner group will benefit from an improved search function in the intranet of the international group. Robert white graves, project manager of Lightwerk GmbH: Daily use as a central source of information procurement staff of the Lindner group intranet search worldwide up to 1000. Aim was, that every employee independent of place and quickly receives the best result for a search query.” The new search is based on SOLR, a free enterprise search platform of the Apache Lucene project. The tool an employee enters a search term, scans all TYPO3 pages and news in full text and with preview function within milliseconds. The new intranet search recognizes synonyms or similar terms and guarantees high quality results even with special terms and product names. Taking them into account only results for which the employee has appropriate access rights. The access rights are managed centrally in the existing Active Directory for each user. More profit with TYPO3 Lightwerk has designed and implemented the entire enterprise search based on SOLR and TYPO3 with access to the DFS components.

To ensure the scalability of the solution to other data sources such as, for example, Lotus Notes, the Internet Agency developed a universal basic infrastructure, which is can be extended from Stuttgart. Christian Wiedemann, project manager of the Lindner group: TYPO3-integrated real-time search of Lightwerk is a special highlight. All data is always updated, are available for each available and can be accessed all over the world a significant extra profit for our company.” About the Lindner Group: The Lindner Group is one of Europe’s leading companies in the fields of Interior design and facade construction. The company has over 40 years experience in the development and implementation of individual and high-quality project solutions. Lindner of Arnstorf operates production plants and subsidiaries in more than 20 countries with over 5000 employees. Since the beginning of the They are business the Lindner group in 1965 with a comprehensive product range on the market, to meet all requirements in the Interior and facade construction. About Lightwerk: Lightwerk GmbH from Stuttgart is more creative, advisory and technical partner for medium-sized companies for Web-based systems and communication.

Our motto is Web business! From a single source.” With our many years of experience in the B2B area, we are the right partner when it comes to advice, design and maintenance of Web portals. Technical implementation, hosting, Web design and support come directly from Lightwerk and improve the use of the Internet for sales and marketing purposes. Our services include search engine optimization, social media, online marketing, TYPO3 and intranet systems.

National Space Administration

National Space Administration

In 2004 the Chinese government announced the implementation of its not-manned lunar project, that consists of three phases: the trip until the satellite and a orbital flight around the Moon, the moon landing properly said and the return of the sounding lead bringing samples of the ground, with the three carried through phases being between 2007 and 2017. Fulfilling to the scratch its cronograma, in 2007 China placed its first sounding lead in the Moon. One second sounding lead, of the same series, will have to reach the Moon between 2010 and 2012 (CNSA, 2010). China still announced the launching of a first element for a space station between 2010 and 2011. Such orbital complex, baptism of Tiangong-1 (Celestial Palace), will be used by the Chinese space travellers for the accomplishment of research in microgravity and comments of the Land. The Chinese press announced that the first part of the space station will have 8,5 tons of weight and will be able to carry through operations of long stated period without the necessity of no type of assistance. A first module of the station had been tested in 2010 middle (ESTADO, 2010).

China also evidences its pretensions to send men to the Moon for 2020 return, beyond of missions not-manned Mars between 2014 and 2033, followed for a descending of Chinese in the planet between 2040 and 2060. Simultaneously the country intends to carry through the deep and not-manned exploration of the Solar System (CNSA, 2010). ORGANIZATION the National Space Administration of China (CNSA in the acronym in English) is the Chinese, responsible space agency for the launchings and the space program of the country (CNSA, 2010).