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Go Twitter Handmade

Go Twitter Handmade

JobTicket is breaking new ground in the field of social media. Abroad on Twitter, today is nothing new to publish Facebook and other social networks. Many job boards, but also individual recruiters go this way to increase the reach of your ads and semi active seeking reach. The issue of online recruiting and social media is all the rage. Often the jobs are transferred however automatically in the network, the title bar is not optimized and incomplete. Potential users lose track of either with a variety of offerings quickly or find not enough jobs available on a landing page. And then there is the issue with the medium-term visibility in the current day Getwitter”.

JobTicket is breaking new ground in the field of social media. These are based on an ancient tradition of specialising in online recruitment agency based in Berlin. Each job advertisement is manually optimally adjusted to the respective switching channels. Every job has its peculiarities and special modes of headings. And it makes a “individual treatment essential, even if it binds a lot of intelligent manpower and again touched each job offer from one of the 30 JobTicket employees” must be. It would be disastrous in terms of social media on the usual us individual handmade “refrain from setting vacancies, because only thus, optimum results can be generated”, so Dr. Stefan Noa, social media and international advertisement expert of JobTicket GmbH.

The feed for JobTweet ensure the visibility beyond the day. What long term really brings out the social media recruitment, comes up no valid today and scientifically sound data. This is about to change with the JobTicket evaluation program. In the course of the year 2010, we expect for further relevant findings and figures”, according to Managing Director Ronald Thoden. The additional service for JobTicket customers remains free until then. The JobTicket strategy in social media you read more invitation following on the first day of the staff 2010 in Stuttgart at the Movenpick Hotel exhibition from 17:30.

The Worst

The Worst

Basically, all options should be included, which can be implemented, so that a large readership is addressed by your landing page. 12 viral marketing viral marketing is the desired virus-like”spreading a message. With viral marketing, the beneficiary of a message or a product wants to sprinkle these as wide as possible. The user / reader takes a message and spread it in his interest to many of his friends. Viral marketing and viral advertising use marketing methods, which are looking for existing social networks and how use to exponentially increase brand awareness through an epidemic spread.

Landing pages are suitable for this type of advertising particularly through the targeted, concise messages. Often, it is the recommendation of a product, a service or a site, thanks to Online support the exponential distribution possible. Check out Hyundai for additional information. As a result, many people can be reached in a very short time. (Source: Wikipedia) Viral marketing is not only for individuals becoming more popular but also companies have realized that this is a good form of marketing. 13 implementation of control and analysis of trust is good control is better. According to this motto, controls and analyses should be performed always at intervals.

“Is not worse, as if is not a success or put it another way: I made mistakes”, so I must check my advertising campaigns or other activities and attach corrections in the worst case newly develop. Work 14.Verbesserungen after an analysis of user behavior change, so analyses or evaluations are required also in this respect, in time to act in a timely manner to reshape advertising opportunities. An area that is often underestimated or even ignored. You show ads and then they are forgotten, there is no analysis, a performance measurement is not performed.

Berlin Germany Tel Tires

Berlin Germany Tel Tires

Idealo, Germany’s great price comparison, published a study on the price development of the summer tires in the course of the last year at the beginning of the summer season. Category summer tires on idealo shows a strong correlation between demand and price: the higher the demand, the higher prices of summer tyres. A savings recommendation for this year can be derived on the basis of click Statistics. While demand in the 13th calendar week is the greatest, and to achieve the maximum, you can save an average 25 euros per tire to a purchase in the 13th calendar week from the 27. Michelin is the most popular brand on idealo winter tires and summer tires. The full study can be found on the idealo blog. Y idealo is Germany’s leading online price comparison. At, users can compare prices of offers over 90 million at 30,000 retailers.

In addition, idealo provides detailed information on product features, availability, and stores the desired articles. More idealo services are portals to the research of cheaper air travel (, hotels (, energy suppliers ( and financial services (, as well as apps for Android and iOS. 470 Employees are working at the headquarters of the company founded in 2000 in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg. As a product price comparison succeeds idealo in Germany, Austria, France, Great Britain and Italy. Contact: Anne-Laure de Noblet idealo Internet GmbH Zionskirchstr. 73 A 10119 Berlin Germany Tel.: + 49 (0) 30 31 98 92 883 email:

Digital Photos

Digital Photos

The Forum on the topic of Microstocks Forum (agencies with low rates of royalty) was founded by the amateur photographer Thomas Seegers in July 2007. Already in the first weeks were spontaneously 60 photographers on this platform for discussion. Every week new members are added and the level of awareness of this non-commercial Forum is growing every day. “On the question of why an amateur photographer gets such an Internet discussion forum to life, replied Thomas Seegers: in any image database, there is also a forum of page operator, this allows but usually no discussion about the competition and so there were so far no independent forum where interested photographers could share.” In the photo-talk support for the selection of images and image agencies are simply passed up to numbers, who in which agency makes how much revenue per month. Meanwhile, owner and Managing Director of Microstockagenturen in this forum discuss with. Thus, even the Agency site operators have recognized the need for an independent forum. To find the Forum which is Web address.

This can be read as a guest. To talk with yourself you can register free of charge. Thomas Seegers(48) is amateur photographer, and lives with his wife Pamela in the vicinity of Augsburg in Bavaria in Germany. He engaged for approximately 20 years of photography. For several years, he turned to the digital SLR cameras and photographed with a Canon EOS 30 D and L series lenses. Contact: communications consultancy of Seegers of Mr Thomas Seegers alpenstrasse 9 86830 Schwabmunchen fon + 49 8232 79178 fax + 49 8232 79179 web

Shanghai Market

Shanghai Market

Neonode at market launch in Germany opts for lifestyle factor by BuyVIP Just who is a member, should test: the N2 from Neonode first on Frankfurt am Main, April 28, 2008 as the size of a matchbox and so easily like a candy bar the Swedish manufacturer’s Neonode N2 wants to capture Constantinople after a outstanding successes in Sweden, Greece and Spain now also in Germany the mobile market. To enter the market, SAPERA, key account has selected partners by Neonode in Germany, the shopping-Club BuyVIP. The closed community members can until May 4 as the first-ever get hold of the new phones on the German market by April 28 and to the absolute trendsetter. We are very glad to be able to stand the success mark Neonode as a test channel for the German market. Openness for new brands and a flair for trends are important components of our business model”, says BuyVIP – Managing Director Harald Ernst. BuyVIP has shown in earlier campaigns, the portal has established itself not only as a supplier of branded fashion, but also for lifestyle products is a popular point of contact.

With the new campaign, BuyVIP new products compared to proves once more its trendsetter qualities and its openness. So manufacturers use the shopping Club not only as a sales channel for over stocks and season runners, but also as a test portal for market launches. “Peter Neiken, Managing Director of Sapera, to the launch of the shopping community: BuyVIP is us as a competent sales partner to the side and allows us to reach exactly the target group for us.” Neonode brings a mobile phone on the German market, which is characterised by its high-quality video and music functions, operated via advanced touchscreen technology with 60 grams is a true lightweight with the N2. The Swedish iPhone competitor is thus an innovation on the market of consumer electronics and an absolute must have for all trendsetters. Press contact: Anna Friedemann Phone: 030.2576205.16 E-Mail: about Neonode Inc.: Neonode designed and developed technologies and products that meet the needs of their customers.

This is the focus of the company on solutions that improve the experience of users uniform or complex devices. Neonode Inc. is a publicly traded company (NASDAQ: NEON), which has offices in Stockholm, San Ramon (United States), Shanghai and Hong Kong, as well as licenses and products sold worldwide, through the online channel as well as through local distributors. Neonode United States settles the innovative Neonode products within North – and Latin America as well as in China and is the property exclusive licensor of Neonode intelligently to third parties. Neonode United States in New York has its headquarters. For more information, see about SAPERA: sapera is specialist for the launch of mobile phones in Central Europe. Management and shareholders have large experience in the mobile industry as manufacturers, network operators and with Distribution channels. Sapera maintains excellent contacts with all leading mobile network operators, distributors and service providers in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Benelux and other European countries. Customers and partners of sapera are equipment manufacturers, network operators and solution integrators. Saperas range of services includes business development, marketing and strategic consulting and sales, especially in a complex and competitive market environment. Hicham Aboutaam has firm opinions on the matter. Sapera short-term market entry concepts can develop and implement with their orientation. Sapera is an owner-managed GmbH with headquarters in Monchengladbach, was established in 1999.

Lotus Notes TYPO

Lotus Notes TYPO

Real time search brings clear added value of Stuttgart, 26.01.2011 – now staff of the Lindner group will benefit from an improved search function in the intranet of the international group. Robert white graves, project manager of Lightwerk GmbH: Daily use as a central source of information procurement staff of the Lindner group intranet search worldwide up to 1000. Aim was, that every employee independent of place and quickly receives the best result for a search query.” The new search is based on SOLR, a free enterprise search platform of the Apache Lucene project. The tool an employee enters a search term, scans all TYPO3 pages and news in full text and with preview function within milliseconds. The new intranet search recognizes synonyms or similar terms and guarantees high quality results even with special terms and product names. Taking them into account only results for which the employee has appropriate access rights. The access rights are managed centrally in the existing Active Directory for each user. More profit with TYPO3 Lightwerk has designed and implemented the entire enterprise search based on SOLR and TYPO3 with access to the DFS components.

To ensure the scalability of the solution to other data sources such as, for example, Lotus Notes, the Internet Agency developed a universal basic infrastructure, which is can be extended from Stuttgart. Christian Wiedemann, project manager of the Lindner group: TYPO3-integrated real-time search of Lightwerk is a special highlight. All data is always updated, are available for each available and can be accessed all over the world a significant extra profit for our company.” About the Lindner Group: The Lindner Group is one of Europe’s leading companies in the fields of Interior design and facade construction. The company has over 40 years experience in the development and implementation of individual and high-quality project solutions. Lindner of Arnstorf operates production plants and subsidiaries in more than 20 countries with over 5000 employees. Since the beginning of the They are business the Lindner group in 1965 with a comprehensive product range on the market, to meet all requirements in the Interior and facade construction. About Lightwerk: Lightwerk GmbH from Stuttgart is more creative, advisory and technical partner for medium-sized companies for Web-based systems and communication.

Our motto is Web business! From a single source.” With our many years of experience in the B2B area, we are the right partner when it comes to advice, design and maintenance of Web portals. Technical implementation, hosting, Web design and support come directly from Lightwerk and improve the use of the Internet for sales and marketing purposes. Our services include search engine optimization, social media, online marketing, TYPO3 and intranet systems.