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Month: July 2015

Pay Site

Pay Site

Apart from the fact that it is a guarantee liabilities for the parties, this is also a serious help for most of the customer. However, in practice we are still seeing a situation where, at best, signed the agreement on cooperation, which contains general provisions, and this is the collaboration soon reminds guest artist lives in a large southern family in Odessa or patio. And this life has a lot of negative detail: he is not as states signed. Nobody will reject each of us build our business communications as it sees fit. The problem begins when the submissions of the parties do not coincide, but they do cooperate. To protect themselves from a range of unnecessary problems, and we agree to play by the rules. Of course, in the framework of this article can not cover all errors in full and give their analysis and clear advice on prevention. But there is advice that should be repeated: – planning the creation or renovation of the site, take it as a project that you intend to bring high quality and in full.

Define goals and objectives, browse the on a related subject, note what you like, no, you would like to see on the site. – Install an estimate and distribute, how much to spend on development, how many – in the content, how much – to optimize for advertising, etc. – When selecting the performers come from its budget. With illustrative quotations readily available by visiting a number of specialized professional sites, and no exchanges and no sponsored links. Somewhere offers a complete package services, somewhere – only the design, only the content, somewhere hold copyrights projects (such as me). Do not forget that the human factor can not lose sight: you should with the performer to easily find a common language.

If he was pleased to work with you, he will do more and for less money. And, of course, vice versa. – Pay special attention to the creation of the brief (the necessary data to work with a copywriter) and technical specifications. The task of tk – maximum detail to determine all aspects of work on site. It is they who will be guided by the developers, so it’s important to create a common vision of the project, so you can easily control its realization. – Identify the stages work performance, to determine who is responsible for each step, and provide coordination of all phases. In general, the sequence is as follows: 1. Your concept (structure, overall style, desired services, etc.). 2. Agreement with copywriter, brief job for him, the necessary materials and information. 3. Getting the text from copywriter (main text for all sections). 4. Agreement with the developer, drafting tor. 5. Handover design layout. 6. Handover complete set of texts from a copywriter. 7. HTML-coding. 8. Assembly site based on CMS-system and the development of additional functionality. 9. Content-content site, bring in a batch of data in the database. 10. Running a pilot version of the site testing, fixing bugs. 11. Transfer site content testing, the discovery site. 12. Submit your site to search engines and directories, and other promotional activities. Believe me, if you consider mistakes and tips here listed, something is seriously optimize their costs on the site. And if you do not stay on top and pay attention to update it regularly, you do not even need the high cost of advertising: he will draw visitors will be repaid as soon as possible, and then you will only receive a profit!