Spanish Foundation

Spanish Foundation

In Spain, shooting stars, the Perseids, and eclipses are astronomical events star that is more usually enjoy. Others, like the Aurora Borealis, are more reserved to other places on the planet. There are websites dedicated to the live broadcast, these days, this phenomenon of great color and beauty. List: the spectacle of the Aurora Borealis. Many are those who dare to see astronomical events, especially in summer, live and direct.

Shooting stars and eclipses, the most common phenomena for residents in Spain. However, a spectacle like the Aurora Borealis are reserved, in its greatest splendor, to other places on the planet. Now, those wishing to see a live, can do from the Internet, via the portal, where Cyclops and Shelios groups, with additional funding from various sponsors, facilitate the most curious phenomena like this track. Since August 21 and until this 29 Aurora Borealis he broadcasts live from Greenland, from 3.30 pm to 3.45 pm UTC + (hour Peninsular 2), accompanied by another series of videos (like which accompanies the news) where made explanations on this phenomenon. This portal emits all kinds live astronomical events. To do so it uses technology Flowplayer. Similarly, insert videos from YouTube with recordings of the last direct. These emissions can also be followed on the website of the Spanish Foundation for science and technology. Source of the news: enjoy live, wherever you are, the phenomenon of the Aurora Borealis

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