Mexican Forum

Mexican Forum

With the search for my spirituality and my practice, I have found a State of harmony with myself, including things with which gave me work deal now I control it without problems, I’ve learned to talk and go that I needed, I’ve learned to give value to each thing, put it in its rightful place and its fair value, is that money is essential but is not happiness, we confuse happiness with satisfying needs and not so, I do not envy, I believe that wanting more it causes suffering, say that the rich man is not what most if not the least spends, Luchare to be a better person, worker, responsible, ambitious but a positive ambition, an ambition for the well-being of all, where all win, the principle of win – wineverything is given in addition. I feel full, I am quiet, I feel that my wife can give more, now with my family, Isabel and my beautiful baby, I’ve finally found an emotional control thanks to the master and to my family. Many personal changes I have made, I have changed my life, discarding what is not useful or what I destroyed, I now have time for me and my family and with the same activities that only debug the harmful, the pathogenic. My spiritual practice is through meditation, relaxation, hike at rancho contemplating nature, within the water, entering and leaving the water, taking the largest oxygen, can I not mention that you I do daily, but when I do I do it thoroughly and see the results, also making prayer at night with my wife. Meditation and the search for spirituality are helping me much an example very marked for me, was when you participate in the panel of the Mexican Forum, the previous team of my session did a meditative practice and I unlock, I will talk about this later. .

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