Left Graduates

Left Graduates

That is why quality is measurable and quantifiable in numbers, and their value tests are truth, correspondence, propositional representation, functional setting, network of systemic theory, tissue and structural functionalism of the social system, by what quality in schools is interested in obtaining the most high possible percentage of the indicators of the goals established for it to carry out a comprehensive education. Personally at this time more than ever understand what refers with this, since in my work recently I’m supporting with the documentation of the quality management system, of the ISO 9001-2000 standard that speaks precisely of the quality in the educational process, in this sense I could perceive me that the least that you are interested in the quality is as took place learning and much less if it met the expectations of students, or if the learning was significant. The indicators in this case was precisely not. graduates, not. for university graduates, not. of social service providers, not. of preventive maintenance, not. maintenance corrective actions, do not.

of teacher training courses, not. trained hours, etc., all focused on numbers, but then who ensures that these courses have been selected and carried out for meaningful learning, or that the students graduates have now a full development of be, etc., from this context never may know it, because this object-oriented. The quality end, it is burocratizar all administrative processes, establishing methodology standardized to carry them out. Documenting the achievements realized since its parameters is essential to demonstrate that if there is quality in the school. On the other hand this integrity, which is to bring to schools all the factors and features that I mentioned and I described earlier are own holistic education, so I can say that this oriented to being, is based on qualitative aspects. So it is located on the left side of the kosmos. So are part of the subjective and intersubjective being their evidence of value, veracity, sincerity, integrity, honesty in the case of the first while inside the individual inner quadrant and righteousness, cultural adjustment, mutual understanding, justice in the case of the second within the collective inner quadrant.

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