Emperor Joseph II

Emperor Joseph II

The most difficult period for the Czech people were 75 years into the 18 century. And the nation itself and its language and Czech literature stood in the doorway of his death. During this period, was not released a book in Czech language, and the Czechs themselves are not always use their native language. For example, the Czech intellectuals and aristocrats preferred to use the German language. As a result of such events in law at the time of Emperor Joseph II had all the prerequisites to ensure that completely eliminate the use of Czech society, as well as prohibit its use in the areas of education, that is to ban the teaching and the Czech language and Czech language. Which he did.

The Czech language is not used nor the Czech aristocracy, nor of the Czech intelligentsia. They preferred the German mother tongue. A grammar school at that time published a variety of leadership in which the Czech language was presented as a very lean and not sufficiently developed to ensure that it can be to some extent be used for communication, and even more so it is not suitable for teaching it. Thus, in deciding on the proclamation of the German language as a Austrian society, and Joseph II introduced the teaching of it in all secondary and higher education institutions in the Czech Republic. That his action caused a negative reaction from the Czech nation, that was the beginning of the revival not only of the Czech language, but the Czech nation as a whole.

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