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Month: June 2016

Mamanguape Valley

Mamanguape Valley

The Valley of the Mamanguape is bathed by the river Mamanguape, this suffers to estragos provoked for the plants and plantations from sugar cane. The economic activities in all the Valley are sufficiently diverse, going since fish in the region of Bay of the Treason, until the production of sugar in Mamanguape. Enclosing other activities as: I deal it retail, the cattle one, agriculture, mainly of pineapple. The tourist aspects of the corresponding region to the Valley do not possess a great degree of development. However some areas possess one better agreement of the regional potential. As previously it was displayed is a possessing region of great historical potential, that could be converted into easily attractive assistant for the agricultural tourism. The present research possesss as objective generality the verification of the viability for the implantation of a hotel making in the Valley of the Mamanguape, PB. As well as other secondary objectives, or nominated here of specific.

To carry through a research that informs on the general aspects of a hotel farm. Beyond identifying the agricultural tourist potentialities of the valley of the Mamanguape. Verifying still the existence of state public politics directed toward the tourist development in the Valley of the Mamanguape. It still agrees to define the present research, characterized as possessing of a exploratria nature, possessing a qualitative boarding. According to GIL (2006) research of exploratria nature, has the objective to promote greater familiarity with the boarded problem, making possible that the most varied aspects of the fact studied they are analyzed and led in consideration. Making use of also of documentary a bibliographical boarding and. As Gil (2006, p.45): ' ' The main advantage of the bibliographical research inhabits in the fact to allow to the investigator the covering of a much more ample gamma of phenomenon of what that one that could search diretamente' '.